Decomposure: Eating Chicken

A different sound for Decomposure.

Eating Chicken is the fantastic new album from Decompsure, a group known primarily for their compositional experiments and electronic sounds. On their latest album, they take a bit of a genre shift into baroque pop territory. Right from the first song, listerners will notice the superb Beach Boys-like harmonies that are layered all throughout this album. Another prominent feature of this album is the interesting percussion techniques that seem to have a strong Afrobeat influence. For people who are missing some of the electronic stylings of their earlier releases will be pleased to know that there are a couple tracks on here that are similar to some of their early songs. Tracks such as “Safety Scissors” and “Black Snow” would be great additions to any electronic music fan’s library. Eating Chicken has a strong running as a dark horse candidate for album of the year.

RIYL: Baroque Pop, Beach Boys, Electronic

REC: 1, 3, 8, 9, 11
FCC: Warning: None
Label: Blanksquirrel
Release date: September 25th, 2012
Reviewed by Jake Waters