Bill Baird – Spring Break of the Soul

New age Frank Zappa takes a more psychedelic approach 

 A culmination of over two years in the studio, Bill Baird released Spring Break of the Soul in early March, 2013. From a technical standpoint the album is insanely intricate, weaving an impressive ambient tone across the entire album, accompanied with precise and often overwhelming layering. While some have likened Bill Baird to artists like Frank Zappa and Syd Barret, Baird’s latest effort resembles more of an Animal Collective or Flaming Lips approach to composition. However, the album is varied, ranging from psychedelic ambiance to funk.

This variety is both a benefit and a hindrance. It helps keep the album interesting and varied, but it hurts standalone tracks.

Spring Break of the Soul is designed for a complete listen through. Some tracks stand out better than others, but the album as a whole is a strangely cohesive experience. My favorite track was a poppy guitar solo song called “Lake Paul Pointilistic.” One of more the basic songs of the album, it illustrates how Bill Baird can take a simple concept and expand on it. It also illustrates how Baird sounds better when he is not swamping songs with effects.

Some notable songs of the album are “World Gone Deaf,” “Shave,” and “Lake Paul Pointilistic.”

If you’re looking for a straightforward, simple listening album, Bill Baird is not your guy. If you are looking for an experience with some hits and misses but undeniably intricate, Spring Break of the Soul is worth a look. Bill Baird is definitely paying homage to other psychedelic bands, but he occasionally breaks the mold in unexpected ways.

RIYL: Animal Collective, God is an Astronaut, The Flaming Lips, Syd Barret (kind of)
FCC: Recommended are clean for sure
REC: 3,11,15
Release Date: March 5th, 2013

Reviewed by Evan Gottstine
