Sunflower Reading Series – 12/3

Our final fall episode features an all-student lineup with readings from Alyse Bensel, Tyler Sherman, Adam Mills, and Ian Cook.

For our last episode of the semester, we bring you an all-KU-student edition of the Sunflower reading series, cohosted by Sara Leavens and Chrissie Noriega. Creative writing graduate students Alyse Bensel (poetry), Adam Mills (fiction), and Tyler Sherman (poetry), all live in-studio appearances to read and discuss their work. The episode is rounded out with a produced segment featuring undergrad Ian Cook reading selections of his poetry while accompanying himself on guitar.

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Download the full episode or scroll down for individual segments.



Alyse Bensel

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Alyse is a poet in her first year as a creative writing PhD candidate at KU. She previously received an MFA from Penn State University. Alyse will read in the Taproom Poetry Series on January 26 at 5pm at the 8th Street Taproom.


Adam Mills and Tyler Sherman

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Adam is also a new PhD candidate at KU. He is a fiction writer, particularly interested in speculative and other “weird” fiction. Tyler Sherman is pursuing a Masters of Fine Arts in poetry. They both appeared in the English Department’s Graduate Reading Series at Genovese on December 8th.


Ian Cook

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Ian Cook just graduated from KU with a degree in English, focusing in creative writing. This year he was a recipient of an undergraduate research grant to pursue his poetry work, which he sets to guitar.  He sat down with correspondent Scott Ross to record and discuss some of his poems/songs.


Written by Scott Ross. The Sunflower Reading Series will return in the spring on Thursdays at 7pm on KJHK 90.7fm.