Twin Sister: In Heaven

Debut full-length is simple and funky.
Gosh, these songs are cool. We got a sample of this album earlier this year that has made me wait with as much patience as I could muster for this full length debut album from the band Twin Sister. This group is from Long Island, New York and consists of 1 girl singer and 5 male accompianists. I love this cd because this 5-piece band could easily keep adding layers, volume, and complicated parts but they keep it very simple which makes it 10x as mesmorizing. It’s got the fun spirit of the Talking Heads without the tension created by excessive amounts of cocaine.

Reviewed by Zack Marsh on Sept. 27
RIYL: Talking Heads, lazy funk rock
REC: 3, 7, 8, 5
FCC Warning: NONE
Label: Domino
Release Date: Sept 26, 2011