Charts & Adds: 9/27/11

Dandelo topped the list week, with Veda Rays, Little Dragon and Girls close behind.Dandelo’s dandy self-titled compiled more plays than the rest this week and its garage-flavored, old-timey, feel-good tunes carried it into our DJs’ hearts.


I’d also like to think that this was a big week of improvement in diversity for the KJHK music staff.  Dandelo marks the first album so far this school year to reach our No. 1 spot that was not reviewed by a male over the age of 20.  So rock on freshman girls and continue to fight the stereotype that you only listen to Justin Bieber and Britney Spears!


Be sure to check our new-music rotation section for our DJ reviews.


TOP 30
1 DANDELO   Dandelo (Self-Released)
2 VEDA RAYS Gamma Rays Galaxy Rays Veda Rays (Alleged)
3 LITTLE DRAGON Ritual Union (Peacefrog)
6 PIMPS OF JOYTIME  Janxta Funk! (Wonderwheel)
7 ONLY LIVING BOY Hide Nothing (Wurli)
8 SAVES THE DAY Daybreak (Razor And Tie)
9 DRUMS  Portamento (Frenchkiss)
10 MEGAFAUN Megafaun (Hometapes)
11 MIKE DOUGHTY Yes And Also Yes (Megaforce-Snack Bar)
12 SOUTHERLY Youth (Greyday)
13 MATHIEN   The Night I Was An Alpha Male   (Midwest Music)
14 PHANTOM Fountain Of Youth
15 APPROACH Aloe Park Redux  (Self-Released)
16 JUNKYARD EMPIRE   Acts Of Humanity Vol. 1 And 2 (Mediaroots)
17 DELETED SCENES Young People’s Church Of The Air
18 WIDOWSPEAK   Widowspeak (Captured Tracks)
19 BIG HARP  White Hat (Saddle Creek)
21 BRONCHO Can’t Get Past The Lips (Self-Released)
22 GABRIEL MILLER PHILLIPS One For The Crow (Self-Released)
23 JACUZZI BOYS Glazin’ (Hardly Art)
24 PACK A.D. Unpersons   (Mint)
25 LOTUS Lotus (2011) (SCI Fidelity)
26 DEATH GRIPS  Exmilitary  (third worlds)
27 WARREN TEAGARDEN AND THE GOOD GRIEF Warren Teagarden And The Good Grief (Self-Released)
28 SHITTY/AWESOME Shitty/awesome
29 ANOMIE BELLE The Crush    (Self-Released)
30 STAFF BENDA BILILI Tres Tres Fort (Crammed)


1 TWIN SISTER In Heaven  (Domino)
2 YOUNG MAN Ideas Of Distance (Frenchkiss)
3 DONORA  Boyfriends, Girlfriends (Rostrum)
4 NEON HYMNS Neon Hymns (Self-Released)
5 BEATS ANTIQUE Elektrafone (Antique)
— Zack Marsh