Has Google started to ‘be evil’?

Siva Vaidhyanathan, the Robertson Professor in Media Studies at the University of Virginia, visited the University of Kansas on Tuesday, Sept. 27. He was featured in the Hall Center for the Humanities Digital Media Lecture Series, giving a lecture titled “Be Evil: Google and the Perils of Corporate Social Responsibility.”
Vaidhyanathan spoke with KJHK’s Nick Curry about the topic of the lecture, as well as about larger issues of public policy and the roles of corporations.
Vaidhyanathan has also published a book, The Googlization of Everything (And Why We Should Worry). His blog can be found at googlizationofeverything.com.
More information about the Hall Center for Humanities as well as other Hall Center events can be found at hallcenter.ku.edu.
—Nick Curry