V/A: “Minnesota Beatle Project Vol. 3”

How are the Beatles rebuilding schools? This album will answer your questions.

I’m about to say something that may make this review defunct: I know next to nothing about
the Beatles. I’ll let that soak in. Yeah, anyways, this record is all Beatles covers with all of the profits going toward the rebuilding of music and
arts programs in Minnesota’s public schools. Here are the highlights, all based on the songs
themselves rather than my favorites of the Beatles.

Track 4: A foot-stomping folk romp, hard to imagine that this band didn’t write this song.
The snapping in the second verse is incredibly satisfying.

Track 5: The only song I recognize, this is a
straight-forward remake of Here Comes The Sun. Not what I’d expect of Motion City Soundrack, but still good.

Track 6: Think of Dropkick Murphy’s with a little less yelling more fiddling.

Reviewed by: Brendan Higginbottom on December 4th, 2011

RIYL: The Beatles

FCC Warning: None

Label: Vega Productions

Release Date: December 6th, 2011