Your host is back with springtime jams.
It feels like it’s been years since I did Vintage Vinyl! Last week I was playing a gig at the Replay Lounge and two weeks before I was battling a chest cold that left me without a voice, so you can imagine how much I’ve missed my listeners!
For this week’s show, I think it’s only appropriate to do my best to evoke a true feeling of spring. The weather forecast is tons of sun, highs in the 80s.. an all-around gorgeous week before our official spring break. So, why not celebrate the warm weather with a playlist of sunny, beach-y, spring-y jams? Great! I think so too.
I will be returning to my.. well, I say “roots” but not really… I will be returning to my favorite decade of music for this one! I’ve always thought that music of the 1960s fits this theme perfectly, probably because I’ve watched so many movies set in the 60s that are also set during the summer. That and the fact that “Wonder Years” is in its entirety on Netflix, and I’ve been chipping through episode after episode.. But no matter. We will be listening to surf rock, bubblegum pop. There will be tracks from The Monkees (RIP Davy Jones), The Beatles, Chad and Jeremy, The Association, and of course, The Beach Boys. Every song will bring feelings of warmth, beaches and spring break. It will be, as The Brady Bunch says, “A Sunshine Day.” Or, night, rather.
by dj modrey hepburn
tune in to vintage vinyl every wednesday night from 10 p.m. to midnight