Psychic Heat is made up of J Evan Herd, Tanner Spreer, James Thomblison, and Mark Flash Rockwell Osman, who describe themselves as fuzzy, psychedelic garage-punk with a hint of shoegaze – straight from America’s heartland. The band members have slightly altered since the beginning days of the band, but J and Tanner have been there since the beginning as the two created the band together back in 2012. The official release of music began in 2015 with their EP ‘Lighter & Brighter’ and the band has since then received vast and quick local success along with the album ‘Sunshower’ and the new 7”, ‘Stranger & Starve’.

Psychic Heat’s well known energetic and exhilarating realm of music led them to the release of a 7″ through Replay Records. On the day of the release, Friday September 2nd, a release show was held at Replay Lounge, the acclaimed home venue of Psychic Heat considering they have played the venue over thirty times. The four band members took to it upon themselves to spiff up the stage by setting up special stage light decoration, all different colored light bulbs set on the floor with a metal cone around each, truly adding to the Psychic Heat effect. The show began with a perfectly intriguing instrumental which then led into the hyped set as they pounded out “How Many Licks”. After came a short break to thank their opening bands Helter Kelter Skelter and Condor & Jaybird, both of which drove more than five hours to be at Replay in order to support their newfound tour friends’ record release.
The performance moved right along to the one and only “Anxiety Eater”, and from personal experience, I state that this song does indeed follow its title. I do not know how they do it, but this song along with the entirety of Psychic Heat’s music has a way of drawing you away from all of the worst and allowing you to fully feel the hardness in the best of human emotion. Continuing on, “Anxiety Eater” was followed by “In Two” and then came “Here Again” where Evan Herd, one of the two vocalist and guitarists was very enjoyable to watch as he acted out and amplified many interesting parts of the music throughout the set.

Just then, perfectly in tune with the audience’s desire, Psychic Heat broke out their two new songs. First came “Stranger” and then “Starve” in the same order of the album. The reception, to no one’s surprise, consisted of manic head-banging, hip swaying, and complete love. James Thomblison flashed some faces with eyes rolled up in the head eliciting his depth in the music which fed perfectly into the reactions of drummer, Mark Rockwell Osman. The two opened the show together in their band ironically named Arc Flash for the sonic, electronic, and realm transporting nature of their music.
The Psychic Heat set continued on with a long lasting passion from both the fans and the band. Vocalist and Guitarist, Tanner Spreer did an impressive job of prescribing energy to the audience as he also drew it back and into himself. Lots of Spreer and Herd hair flying around played a major part in this hard rock performance.

This specific Psychic Heat set was up and at it all the way through, yet the intelligent songs take on a life of their own, slowing down and speeding up from time to time and allowing all contrasting levels of emotion to be felt. Psychic Heat’s instrumentals transport you into the psychic dimension and at times teleport you back to the old days, yet the vocals almost completely counter, while simultaneously complimenting the feel of the instrumentals, adding an eerily soothing feeling to the music.
This show was big, but Psychic Heat has time on their side and current success proves their possibility of further and greater successes all too well. Within the paradox of complex music that is also easily comprehensible lies a major amplifier. It has the ability to indulge all kinds of music lovers and lucky for us lovers, it looks like this is just the beautiful beginning of Psychic Heat.
To catch more of the heat, The Kansas City 7” Release show is taking place this upcoming Friday, September 9th at The Blind Tiger with supporting bands BUMMER and Drugs & Attics.
Set List: Intro; How Many Licks; Anxiety Eater; In Two; Here Again; Stranger; Starve; Distortion; Elixir; Mortal Concept; Stargazer.
For the complete release show photo album click here