Biodiversity KU

Ichthyology at the Biodiversity Institute

Every day I walked past the Natural History Museum on my way to class. I’d alway been curious as to what what inside, but had never checked it out. However, last week I got the chance to interview Matt Girard, doctoral student at the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, there at the museum. Girard talked to me about the museum’s exhibits and research, specifically the Ichthyology (or fish) division.

The Biodiversity Institute (located in the museum) has an extremely diverse collection, with both marine and freshwater specimens. The fish come from all over the world, and many are sent in from different universities. These specimens are used for research, including anything from the bones to the relationship between marine and freshwater fish. Additionally, the Institutes acts as a library, renting these specimens out to students for further research.

The Biodiversity Institute is an awesome resource for students, but many don’t know about it. Whether it’s within your field of major or a genuine interest, the museum has something for everyone. The museum is home to many beautiful exhibits, containing a vast variety of organisms; including bees, porcupine, even a jaguar. It’s a great place to explore and maybe learn a thing or two. Additionally, the building has gone through recent renovations and many are excited about the improvements being made.

Next time you’re walking down Jayhawk Boulevard with a spare five minutes, go in and check out some of the floors at the Natural History Museum. You’ll find something new on every level, and it’s be worth your while.

Check out my interview with Matt below: