The longest album title of the year is pretty sweet as well.
This album is wishful, wandering, and youthful. The vocals have the perfect amount of monotone that somehow work with the twangy (circa 1950’s vibe) and percussion-filled background. The raw and rapid paces showcase the punk background members of Sea Lions come from. The ‘oohing’ and ‘ahhing’ backing vocals further push the retro revival idea continuing throughout the record. This is the sound of a band with an almost nervousness about them becoming more reassured and confident with their musical identity.
Reviewed by: Sherri Kober on November 21st, 2011
RIYL: 13th Floor Elevators, indie rock
Recommended Tracks: 2, 5 and 11
FCC Warning: None
Label: Slumberland Records
Release Date: November 21st, 2011