Photo Gallery: Spring ’25 Fundraiser Concert

Photos by Lane Rozin, Bea Norton, and Caroline Blanke

Last Thursday, January 23rd at the Replay Lounge, KJHK hosted our Spring Fundraiser Concert, showcasing the following bands and musicians: Mosaic, CS Luxem, and Thimastr. The event had a great turnout of the loveliest people, and the excitement was captured by three of our incredible photographers at the station. The following are their respective galleries for you to peruse.

Pre-Show Promo Pics, photos by Caroline Blanke

CS Luxem:

CS Luxem and members of Mosaic, photos by Lane Rozin

CS Luxem, Mosaic, Thimastr, and Attendees, photos by Caroline Blanke

Mosaic, CS Luxem, Thimastr, and “Fun Things!!”, photos by Bea Norton