Charts & Adds: Week of 5/5 – 5/12 Jaya Chakka·May 12, 2020Well folks, this is it… my official last Charts & Adds post before I pass on the music...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusicUncategorized·0 Comments·0·23 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 4/28 – 5/5 Jaya Chakka·May 5, 2020The real ones will understand 😎 Top 5 Charts: 1.) Soccer Mommy – color theory Soccer Mommy’s sophomore album...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·25 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 4/21 – 4/28 Jaya Chakka·April 28, 2020I may not be in Kansas anymore, but my house DID come dangerously close to being sucked up...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·36 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 4/14 – 4/21 Jaya Chakka·April 21, 2020And just like that, May is next week. Time has seemed both to drag on forever and to...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·21 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 4/7 – 4/14 Jaya Chakka·April 14, 2020April is well under way (though it is surprisingly chilly), and charts n’ adds are still rip roaring...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusicUncategorized·0 Comments·0·71 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 3/31 – 4/7 Jaya Chakka·April 7, 2020Hope you’re all hanging in there and that you enjoyed our little April Fools joke! It’s been another...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·15 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 3/24 – 3/31 Jaya Chakka·March 31, 2020Day ?? of Quarantine: I have lost the ability to come up with witty, charming introductions to C&A...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·27 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 3/17 – 3/24 Jaya Chakka·March 24, 2020If you’re going a little stir-crazy during this period of social isolation, shake things up a bit by...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·26 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 3/10 – 3/17 Jaya Chakka·March 17, 2020Hi, folks. I’m not sure how many people actually end up reading these article introductions, but I wanted...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·27 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 3/3 – 3/10 Jaya Chakka·March 10, 2020Happy Spring Break! While we are not physically in the station this week, we still had plenty of...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·19 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 2/25 – 3/3 Jaya Chakka·March 3, 2020March has begun, and spring is just around the corner! Help us celebrate its impending arrival by checking...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·18 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 2/18 – 2/25 Jaya Chakka·February 25, 2020Somehow, we’ve already reached the final C&A of February… and gosh, what a month it has been! As...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·17 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 2/11-2/18 Jaya Chakka·February 18, 2020Did you know that you can buy tons of tiny plastic hands that fit on your fingertips? Turns...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·48 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 2/4 – 2/11 Jaya Chakka·February 11, 2020Happy Valentines Day! Without all of you, life would B flat. Help us share the love here at...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·29 views
Elliot Moss: A Change in Diet Jaya Chakka·February 10, 2020In A Change in Diet, Elliot Moss continues to establish himself as a musician with a novel sound.Hip Hop/Electronic RotationMusicMusic ReviewsNew Music Rotation·0 Comments·0·27 views
Alexandra Savior: The Archer Jaya Chakka·February 5, 2020Alexandra Savior's sophomore album marks a decidedly different (but not unwelcome) departure from her first record.MusicMusic ReviewsNew Music RotationRock Rotation·0 Comments·0·38 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 1/28 – 2/4 Jaya Chakka·February 4, 2020A lot has happened in the past few days. Mr. Peanut, who died in a fiery Peanutmobile crash,...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusicUncategorized·0 Comments·0·50 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 1/21 – 1/28 Jaya Chakka·January 28, 2020Well, folks, the music is starting to roll in… big time! We can already tell that 2020 is...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·44 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 1/14 – 1/21 Jaya Chakka·January 21, 2020Hello, folks, and welcome to 2020! Here at KJHK, we’re starting off the new semester/year/decade with a bang…...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·18 views
Top Albums of 2019: Staff Picks Jaya Chakka·December 14, 2019Well, folks, it’s official… 2019 is drawing to a close. It’s been one heck of a year, packed...Featured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·242 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 12/3 – 12/10 Jaya Chakka·December 10, 2019This is it, folks… the last C&A of the semester. It’s been a great run, and we’ve explored...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·14 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 11/26 – 12/3 Jaya Chakka·December 3, 2019♫ It’s the most stress-inducing time of the year... ♫ Thanksgiving break is over, and Christmas break looms...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·50 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 11/19 – 11/26 Jaya Chakka·November 26, 2019Do you hear it, in the distance? *ᵍᵒᵇᵇˡᵉ ᵍᵒᵇᵇˡᵉ* Slowly, it grows nearer, *gobble gobble* the caw of...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·42 views
Charts & Adds: Week of 11/12 – 11/19 Jaya Chakka·November 19, 2019Things are starting to wind down for the semester here at KJHK, but never fear! We have plenty...Charts & AddsFeatured On KJHKMusic·0 Comments·0·33 views