KJHK Executive Staff’s Grammy Predictions Web Content Editor·December 11, 2024BY BETSEY LEWIS in collaboration with CAROLINE BLANKE On Friday, November 8th, the 2025 Grammy Nominations were announced,...CreativeCultureCulture ArticlesFeatured On KJHKMusicMusic Articles·0 Comments·0·71 views
KUNITY: A Queer & Trans-Centered Mag On Campus Web Content Editor·October 9, 2024BY BETSEY LEWIS in coversation with JAKE MAKELA, ELLEN MILLER, AND CASEY SOPER Born from kYOU magazaine–KU graduate...CreativeCultureCulture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·92 views
KJHK Staff Superlatives: 2023-2024 School Year KJHK Station Manager·June 18, 2024by Kacie Fuller It was an eventful year here at KJHK, we laughed, we cried, there were ups...Culture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·166 views
Top 5 Patios to Peel Your Sweaty Thighs Off in LFK KJHK Content·August 16, 2023Written by General Manager, Bobbi Washechek Like many of you, I’ve been enjoying a summer full of outdoors...Culture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·430 views
Sheila the Genderfuck Web Content Editor·May 6, 2022Fabian Rosales | @fabianrosalesmedia “If I had to fit in a box, I would be a drag king;...CultureCulture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·265 views
Pulse Topology Web Content Editor·November 3, 2021Abby Shepherd The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art opened a free exhibition in late June, Pulse Topology, which...CultureCulture ArticlesCulture EventsFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·130 views
31 More Spooky Movies Web Content Editor·October 1, 2021A list of films to get you through October, from yours truly.CultureCulture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·217 views
The Secret World of KU Elevators Web Content Editor·September 4, 2021Henry gives you the low-down on the best 'vators on campus.Culture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·1·352 views
Going Vegan in College (From a College Vegan) Web Content Editor·August 4, 2021Ellynn Mayo talks about their first year of veganism at KU.CBI arts and cultureCBI online contentCulture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·74 views
Lawrence Freedgin Kansas’ Solution to Combatting Food Insecurity Fabian Rosales·July 3, 2021By Fabian Rosales LAWRENCE—Kan. Food insecurity affects the Lawrence population, and the COVID-19 pandemic has made this issue...CBICBI content bubbleCBI online contentCultureCulture ArticlesCulture EventsCulture VodcastsFeatured On KJHKMultimedia·0 Comments·0·58 views
KJHK’s #1 add of the year KJHK Content·May 19, 2021The 2020/2021 school year brought forth some amazing music. Each week, Griffin and Cami talked about four of...Culture ArticlesCulture PodcastsFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·41 views
Cinema Al Fresco: Free State Festival returns this summer KJHK Content·May 11, 2021The pandemic delayed the annual film festival last summer, but this year, its back with plenty of open-air, exciting events.Culture ArticlesCulture EventsFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·18 views
Meet Elliot Fox, your third place Farmers Ball winner KJHK Content·May 9, 2021Elliot Fox started as a character, but became so much more for this electronic musician.Culture ArticlesCulture InterviewsFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·17 views
Meet the Velvet Futon Club, your second place Farmers Ball winners KJHK Content·May 7, 2021The Velvet Futon Club is a five-piece band with two drummers with punk and psychedelic influences. Culture ArticlesCulture InterviewsFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·26 views
Spring 2021 Special Programs KJHK Content·May 2, 2021There are two weeks left in the spring semester…sounds like the perfect time to release this piece… Check...Culture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·12 views
College, burnout, and TikTok; conversations with Maude Latour KJHK Content·April 30, 2021Maude Latour has exploded in success thanks to TikTok and her hardworking group of creative friends. Culture ArticlesCulture EventsFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·35 views
Collaborative Playlist: Queer Anthems KJHK Content·April 26, 2021It’s Gaypril everyone. What a better way to celebrate than by making a KJHK staff playlist of queer...Culture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·31 views
We Watched The Snyder Cut So You Didn’t Have To Web Content Editor·April 15, 2021Caleb Hogan | @WordsHogan The Snyder Cut was released on March 18, 2021, and directed by Zack Snyder....CBICBI content bubbleCulture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·1 Comment·0·42 views
Gaypril — more than just a month KJHK Content·April 14, 2021Since most students aren't on campus during Pride Month, in June, KU celebrates pride in April. This year especially, Gaypril means more to students who have missed pride month and a sense of community due to the pandemic. CultureCulture ArticlesFeatured On KJHKUncategorized·0 Comments·0·69 views
Celebrating a decade of Car Seat Headrest Griffin Lowry·March 26, 202110 years ago, one of the most iconic bands in indie rock released the album that put them on the map. Here's to another ten, Car Seat Headrest.Culture ArticlesFeatured On KJHKMusicMusic Articles·0 Comments·0·235 views
Defend Not Defund: Solidarity Among Student Coalitions in Fight Against DEI, GTA Cuts KJHK Content·March 24, 2021The KU Black Student Coalition is working to make the university a more inclusive space.CBI arts and cultureCulture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·67 views
Movie Review: ‘The Outhouse’ KJHK Content·March 23, 2021The Outhouse lives in infamy in Lawrence music history, but how does its documentary hold up?Culture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·700 views
Songs that aren’t in movie scenes but could totally be there KJHK Content·March 22, 2021Natalie Lindsey | @justmenat_ I am going strictly on look and movement within the scene, not within the...Culture ArticlesFeatured On KJHK·0 Comments·0·125 views
Trash of KU Fabian Rosales·March 18, 2021We turn trash into content, and KU, sadly, has an abundance of it. From the Student Union to...CultureCulture ArticlesFeatured On KJHKUncategorized·0 Comments·0·52 views