Escape From Evil is a great pop record to put it bluntly. The elements of disco and early 80s new wave are pretty evident, but it’s still accessible and easy to listen to. The majority of the songs start with a pulsing drum beat, while the synths and bright guitars lay down the melodies, which make for a complex sound that’s still danceable and catchy. The vocals from Jana Hunter are uniquely androgynous, but are also very “lounge singer-y,” which gives the album a sort of Twin Peaks vibe. My favorite tracks are 9 and 10 because they balance between Jana’s eccentric vocals and the 80s sounding synth pop behind the vocals. This is a fun record, definitely worth a listen!
Recommended If You Like: The XX, Robyn, Twin Shadow, Viet Cong
Recommended Tracks: 9 (Company), 10 (Société Anonyme), 1 (Sucker’s Shangri-La), 3 (To Die In L.A.), all of them
Do Not Play: None
Written by Caroline Roe on 04/11/2015