12792150_952695094815918_5261554727647468960_o_optA few lads from Nashville unified their talents to make some music. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Agustin Escalante, Robbie Jackson and Alex Moore opted for the dream pop and psychedelic rock routes. To put it into perspective, Keeps is The War on Drugs and Temples jamming out on a beach in space. Take a gander at their cover art, it is nearly spot on considering their sound.

Keeps is at its best when they are leaning toward the psychedelic side of psych pop. When they get poppy they lose their relaxing, dreamy appeal. “Let It Fall,” “Translucent Girl,” “Everyday,” and “I Don’t Mind” have the hooks and blustery guitar riffs to provide the perfect accompaniment to a zone out session.

However, the album as a whole can be overwhelming, in the sense that there are a few overly poppy, dissuading songs. If Keeps figures out its core competency and restructures its album, the band will be on the right take, but for now it has a few enticing singles sprinkled together.

Recommended If You Like: Tennis, Horse Thief, Craft Spells, COIN, The War On Drugs, Temples,

Recommended Tracks: 6 (Let It Fall), 1 (I Don’t Mind), 2 (Translucent Girl), 4 (Everyday), 10 (I’ve Been Scared)

Do Not Play: None

Written by Colin Smith on 04/14/16