NZCA Lines: Infinite Summer

NZCA-LINES-COVER-VERY-FINAL-CMYK-SMALL-640x640NZCA Lines’ (pronounced NAZ-ca) second album is pleasant, fun electro-pop with some sci-fi themes. The main jam is definitely the fourth track, “Two Hearts,” but there are several radio-ready tracks. Other winners are “Persephone Dreams,” “Chemical is Obvious,” “Infinite Summer” and “New Atmosphere.” Synthy, catchy, and light, the top tracks on this album will win you over.  There is really only enough quality material for an EP, so avoid the second half of the album, which is watered-down and uninspired.

The main guy Michael Lovett, of London, is also a member of Metronomy. On this album, he recruited two women (Charlotte Hatherley of Bat for Lashes & Sarah Jones of Hot Chip) to flesh out the band. The result is a full, high-quality, well-constructed sound.

Fun fact: the Nazca Lines are giant, ancient works of art in Peru that can only be viewed from the air, fueling the “ancient aliens” theory.

Recommended If You Like: Metronomy, Hot Chip, MGMT

Recommended Tracks: 4 (Two Hearts), 2 (Persephone Dreams), 3 (Chemical is Obvious), 5 (Infinite Summer), 6 (New Atmosphere)

Do Not Play: None

Written by Meredith Vacek on 02/06/16