Alexa, Play that Interview with The Cool Greenhouse

About the Band: Avant-garde British band The Cool Greenhouse is from Norfolk and is led by frontman Tom Greenhouse. Their sophomore album Sod’s Toastie is out this Friday (November 11, 2022), and KJHK has the pleasure of catching a few of  their songs ahead of the big drop. Tune-in to KJHK 90.7 FM to catch some new tracks like Get Unjaded, Sod’s Toastie, and Get Deluded or seek out their music where ever you like doing so! GM Bobbi Washechek is a big fan and suggests The Cool Greenhouse if you like bands like Do Nothing, Talking Heads, Cheekface, or any other clever, generally amusing artists that are full of perfect non-sequiturs that have you really wanting to catch every single lyric.

KJHK likes to send a list of goofy questions to our favorite bands to get a better idea of the business going on in these artists minds. Here are fast five answers from a few of the band members: Tom (vox/guitar), Chris (keys) and Tom (bass) respectively:

1. Which species would be the rudest if all animals could talk?

2. What color would you pick if you had to eat a crayon straight from the box?
I don’t mind as long as it’s dipped in glue/purple/they all taste the same

3. As a child, what was your favorite game to play?
asking annoying questions/answering amusing questions/catching bees

4. What did you last Google?
How do you tell if your e-cigarette is empty? / what’s the tastiest color of crayon? / what is a hammock?

5. If you had to become a person who performed at birthday parties, which character do you think you could pull off best?
The cake / Matt Hancock / John Clooney

Unsure if John Clooney is a real person or not or maybe just a guy they know, but that’s up for you to interpret. Keep things spicy, ya know?

You can support their work on bandcamp. Happy listening, KJHK folks!