There has been a slew of psych pop bands to come out in recent years and Kuroma is another one. However they take their inspiration not from the flower power of the sixties but the groove of the seventies. The light hearted pop of the seventies with a dash of psychedelic tones is the vibe Kuroma is going for. “Love is On the Way” has a very catchy guitar riff and groove. The vocals sound a bit like King Tuff. My favorite track on the album “Running People” sounds like a nod to Todd Rundgren with a touch of The Knack. The album is a fun listen but nothing particularly stands out. The band is touring with Tame Impala (<3) this summer. Play this album when you’re looking for some lighthearted jamz on a hot summer day.
Recommended If You Like: King Tuff, MGMT (Hank Sullivant is the guitarist in this band), Foxygen
Recommended Tracks: 3 (Love Is On the Way), 2 (Running People), 1 (20+Centuries), 5 (Passionate People)
Do Not Play: 6 (Simon’s In the Jungle), 8 (Case Logic)
Written by Emilie Stafford on 05/11/2015