Ouwise Abuzaid, Untitled

Afrocentricdottieopus: Black Experiences in Black History Month

Black history month (February) is over, but that doesn’t mean cultural recognition goes with it.

Afrocentricdottieopus is an effort for individuals to speak on relevant things happening – or not happening- in our communities. For the individuals involved in this episode (Schyler Merrills, Ricky Smith, Ebony Onianwa, and Chad Onianwa (me) ), these conversations center around the black community and living lives in our own unique expressions of “blackness” while figuring out how to deal with the situations that arise throughout.

A lot is covered in this episode: Solange vs Beyonce, stories of racism at work/school, growing up in the midwest, black comedy and entertainment, the Catholic school experience, the “n*word”, and a lot more.

There’s only four of us so we don’t cover everything and we definitely don’t represent anyone but ourselves, which is honestly kind of all we want in the end.

The conversations are always relevant and interesting, so listen.