High Places: “Original Colors”

A psychedelic electronica band? Oh, yeah. Give it a spin!

High Places is a group from Los Angeles that plays their own blend of psychedelic electronica. Mixing both acoustic and electronic instruments, this band creates a vibe that sounds more natural and organic than your average DJ just spinning samples or remixing beats. However, even though they are an “experimental” band, their new album, Original Colors, is far more organized and more streamlined into one pocket of ideas and sounds rather than all over the ambient scale. Check it out!

Reviewed by: Zack Marsh on Oct. 3, 2011

RIYL: Soft Circle, Lucky Dragons, an experimental Kode9

Recommended Tracks: 7, 4, 1, 10, or try any

FCC Warning: None

Label: Thrill Jockey

Release Date: October 4, 2011