You know those giant, inflatable air dancers that flop around at car dealerships with limitless energy? Slow one of those down to half speed, put this album in, and sit it next to it. Taadaa, Small Black’s unlikely yet fitting back-up dancer.
While most albums and artists lift you up or down, Small Black leaves you in a state of perpetual motion. In summary, the profound experimentation with a synth produces a wide array of soundscapes that bloom at the edge of the music. This comes as no surprise to people who are familiar with the Brooklyn-outfit’s other studio albums, such as New Chain or Limits Of Desire.
Every song on this album has individual aspects that separate one from the other, but still fit like a jig saw piece into its respective puzzle. Best Blues lasts 45 minutes long. It’s worthless to pick favorites. Find your own: clear your room, set aside approximately 45 minutes and enjoy the complex synth-driven nature of Small Black along with those wonderful vocals and drums.
Recommended If You Like: Washed Out, Craft Spells, Wild Nothing, Neon Indian
Recommended Tracks: 7 (Between Leos), 6 (Back at Belle’s), 9 (Smoke Around the Bend)
Do Not Play: None
Written by Colin Smith on 10/06/15