Night Moves: Pennied Days

Night-Moves-Pennied-DaysPennied Days, out now through Domino Records, is the second album from Minnesota-based band, Night Moves. Primarily the project of John Pelant and Micky Alfano, they worked with a number of musicians in the production of this album including John Angello who has produced albums for likes of Kurt Vile and Sonic Youth.

This album is deeply rooted in the music of classic rock bands and artists such as George Harrison and The Band, while also reflecting funk influences from the likes of Sly Stone and Curtis Mayfield. On top of that, Night Moves also incorporates a more contemporary sound along the lines of Tame Impala or Unknown Mortal Orchestra.

Pennied Days shows off Night Moves ability to synthesize multiple genres into one enjoyable rock album. Many of the songs pull off the balancing act of having a sunny, instrumental sound while also having more melancholic lyrics. They reflect on both the positive and negative aspects of life that we all have to deal with. Pennied Days is well worth checking out, and for those who really enjoy this band, take note! They’ll be playing in Kansas City on Saturday, May 21 at the Tank Room.

Recommended If You Like: Foxygen, Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti, The Walkmen

Recommended Tracks: 1 (Carl Sagan), 6 (Hiding on the Melody), 7 (Staurolite Stroll)

Do Not Play: None

Written by Zach Hill on 04/25/16