Brandon Can’t Dance: Graveyard of Good Times

This album is an adventure through varied realms of genre and vocal performance. Not settling on a style actually serves namesake Brandon Ayres very well. You won’t get sick of anything while listening to this, which would probably happen in a big way if any one of the songs’ styles dominated the record. Furthermore, there’s actually quite a lot of originality taking shape here. The lyrics are meaningful and satisfyingly catchy, but not annoyingly so. Unfortunately for KJHK, those lyrics disqualify over half the album from airtime. To compliment all its beautiful variety, Graveyard of Good Times does have some overarching  themes, such as fuzzy bass, vocal multi-tracking, well-delivered falsetto, and over-amplified screeching guitars. And true to the name, none of these tracks are any good to dance to.

Recommended If You Like: Alex G, LVL UP, Mitski, Cats Millionaire
Recommended Tracks: 1, 3, 5
Do Not Play: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Written by Joe Underwood on 02/07/2017