No is one of Third Man Records’ latest EP releases, and it comes from the London group Yak. Yak is is Oliver Burslem, Andy Jones and Elliot Rawson. The second track, “Alas Salvation,” has a very White Stripes-like screeching guitar and feedback. In this EP, it’s obvious that the band got the Jack White treatment.
The third and final track, “Out On A Limb,” is much more tame, but has a very big and swelling sound that is reminiscent of Radiohead. “No,” the title track, is probably the best on this EP. It’s dark and heavy, but the vocals are borderline falsetto and are a balance between the guitars and instrumentals. It’s too bad that the No EP is only three songs because it’s exceptional.
Recommended If You Like: White Stripes, Queens of the Stone Age, Radiohead
Recommended Tracks: 2 (Alas Salvation), 1 (No), 3 (Out on a Limb)
Do Not Play: None
Written by Caroline Roe on 12/16/15