Dancing Bear Variety Hour, Ep. 3

Episode 3 of DBVH brings you a harmonica-playing wombat, the Max Fisher of Southeast Missouri, and the latest installment of the USS Carpathia.

“As an AstroBase engineer, my area of expertise lies in the hard sciences – I’m afraid I don’t know much about literature or the performing arts. However, I do avidly listen to interstellar radio broadcasts (classical artists such as Rick Springfield and Miley Cyrus are particular favorites) and I was flattered to learn that a radio dramatization of the Carpathia‘s travels was in the works. Having listened to the first several episodes I can say that despite the workmanlike production values and one-dimensional characterization, the writers of the series have presented a sufficiently accurate modicum of life aboard a starship. There are a few points on which I would like to” [character limit reached]

– Faye Chinsky, first engineer and Chief Science Officer of the USS Carpathia

Dancing Bear Variety Hour, Episode 3: Full Broadcast

Download this episode for your listening convenience, or scroll down for individual sketches.




Mitchel, The Harmonica-Playing Wombat

Go to a place located “behind” where “the music” is (no copyright violation there!) and hear the true story of Mitchel, a wombat who rose of the obscurity of the Wichita Zoo to the star-studded life of a professional harmonica player. (Justin Wilson)


Woody Allen Reading Series

Writer and filmmaker Woody Allen stops by St George’s Elementary to do a live reading of “Stone Soup” for the student body. (Scott Ross)


“River of Love”

Join Jack, a teenage intellectual and artistic spirit, as he chronicles his relocation from the East Coast to Cape Girardeau, MO and his attempt to find a place for a dreamer by the mighty Mississippi. Try hard not to think about Rushmore while listening. (Phil Garland)


USS Carpathia, Episode 3 – “Reunited and It Feels So Awkward” or “Homeward Bound and Gagged”

Act I

The crew of the Carpathia returns to AstroBase HQ in Colorado Springs for some much-needed R&R. Lt. Perry attempts to reconcile with family, Captain Derby makes time for the night life, and Engineer Chinsky crosses paths with an old Academy classmate. (Scott Ross)

Act II 

Hard decisions are made as Derby and Korgath head to North Dakota, where Lt. Perry has chosen to stay on the family farm. Meanwhile, Faye has to choose between friendship and duty when Trisha Yeardsley presents her research before the Science Council. (Scott Ross)

The Dancing Bear Variety Hour is written, recorded and produced by Justin Wilson, Phil Garland, Sara Leavens and Scott Ross. Tune into the DBVH Holiday Special on Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00pm on KJHK 90.7fm.