HMLTD: West of Eden Matt Stratton·March 6, 2020HMLTD's long awaited debut album is one of the most effective criticisms of western culture, wrapped in a diverse post-punk package.MusicMusic ReviewsRock Rotation·0 Comments·0·28 views
Dan Deacon: Mystic Familiar Matt Stratton·February 24, 2020Dan Deacon's latest record delivers a psychedelic, minimalist, electronic meditation on metaphysical themes and the nature of being.Hip Hop/Electronic RotationMusicMusic Reviews·0 Comments·0·11 views
Mappe Of: The Isle of Ailynn Matt Stratton·December 9, 2019Mappe Of's sophomore album is a fantasy epic of a lost island that begs you to escape in its rich environment.MusicMusic ReviewsRock Rotation·0 Comments·0·45 views
Cattle Decapitation: Death Atlas Matt Stratton·December 6, 2019Cattle Decapitation shows us our grim future on their most conceptual and bleak project to dateMusicMusic ReviewsNew Music RotationRock Rotation·0 Comments·0·75 views
Low Roar: ross. Matt Stratton·December 4, 2019Low Roar continues with another dreamy and atmospheric folk rock album that is filled with wanderlust and isolation.Hip Hop/Electronic RotationMusicMusic ReviewsNew Music Rotation·0 Comments·0·349 views
Opeth: In Causa Venenum Matt Stratton·October 17, 2019Opeth's latest record, In Causa Venenum, is a cultish, slow building, sinister, and retro progressive rock album through and through.MusicMusic ReviewsNew Music RotationRock Rotation·0 Comments·0·20 views
Pixies: Beneath the Eyrie Matt Stratton·September 20, 2019While not as harsh as their early ventures, the Pixies new album Beneath the Eyrie is darker in tone than their earlier fare.MusicMusic ReviewsRock Rotation·0 Comments·0·67 views
Black Foxxes: Reiði Matt Stratton·March 28, 2018British indie rock outfit Black Foxxes’ second full length album is an immediate departure from the band’s debut album I’m Not Well.MusicMusic ReviewsRock Rotation·0 Comments·0·27 views