Emily Wells: Promise

promise-full-size_sq-ec21c92558564ff54855cef1ad414c07fb944aa5-s300-c85Emily Wells, who is trained mostly on the violin, combines classical instruments and brings in guitar, drums, synth, and more with contemporary editing on Promise. Her voice is similar to Sharon Van Etten, but she brings in some hip hop a la FKA Twigs in the instrumentation.

Promise is the sort of album best listened to several times before forming an opinion. The music is complex and each listen brings new understanding of Wells’ musicianship and intention. “Come to Me” is Promise’s standout track; it is shorter than most of the other songs, which tend to fall between the five to seven minute mark, and is also accessible and catchy.

Recommended If You Like: Joanna Newsom, Sharon Van Etten, FKA Twigs

Recommended Tracks: 6 (Come to Me), 7 (Fallin In On It)

Do Not Play: None

Written by Liz James on 02/24/16